Well since I was tagged by Ms
4 things I did today....
-- Took a nap
--Walked down the grocery store
--Finished the toe portion of a sock
--Made dinner
4 things I need to do....
--Arranging to have my wisdom teeth out
--Arrange to rent a car for two separate trips (camping and Thanksgiving)
--Study motorcycle handbook so I can get my permit
--Change the cat litter
4 guilty pleasures....
--Yep-Heros, thats one for me too....
--Sleeping in w/my cats all curled up w/me (well actually just Felix normally)
--Lazy nappy weekends
--Home baked goods-baking
and eating
4 random facts 'bout me....
--Finally got my drivers license and I'm 30....
--I got into rock climbing because it makes me feel strong and powerful (self esteem issue I suppose....)
--I handled and shot a gun for the first time a couple weekends ago. Friend of mine and her BF are big into shooting so I got to go the shooting range.... Handled rifles and a handgun. Very interesting experience..... And don't worry-safety is a must.
--I'm not good w/affection...really not a huggy person. Have gotten better as I've gotten older and well I gained friends who
do hug.... And honestly-its a good thing...
And to tag at least a couple of people.... I tag
Melissa and
Oh and Cami--yeah...the modern quilt wrap got set aside for these finished pair of socks,
these pair of socks in the works, (left-actually started the heel flap, right-completely done w/the toe of it's mate done)
a baby hat (left), and an adult hat (right)
Oh and I dyed yarn via Kool-Aid.... (one on the right was used for the stripey socks above)