Saturday, November 22, 2008

From Beaches to Rock Art...

Last weekend I went camping just past Santa Barbara and today went to Mojave Preserve to look at Rock Art....

Sunset time at El Capitan State Beach
(Fellow campers dipping their toes)

Giant Starfish was the reason for the pic (this was at low tide) but w/the sun setting-got some great colors off the rock and mussels...

Friend from work was willing to get up early on a Sat mornin to go look at rock art w/me (we met a group just outside the Preserve, tour was lead by a rock art specialist and the Preserve's archaeologist)

This design looks like fabric or a rug...

Just a sampling of the panels that can be seen out here...Everywhere one looks... Was fun scrambling over the boulders too....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A meme....

Well since I was tagged by Ms Cami....

4 things I did today....
-- Took a nap
--Walked down the grocery store
--Finished the toe portion of a sock
--Made dinner

4 things I need to do....
--Arranging to have my wisdom teeth out
--Arrange to rent a car for two separate trips (camping and Thanksgiving)
--Study motorcycle handbook so I can get my permit
--Change the cat litter

4 guilty pleasures....
--Yep-Heros, thats one for me too....
--Sleeping in w/my cats all curled up w/me (well actually just Felix normally)
--Lazy nappy weekends
--Home baked goods-baking and eating

4 random facts 'bout me....
--Finally got my drivers license and I'm 30....
--I got into rock climbing because it makes me feel strong and powerful (self esteem issue I suppose....)
--I handled and shot a gun for the first time a couple weekends ago. Friend of mine and her BF are big into shooting so I got to go the shooting range.... Handled rifles and a handgun. Very interesting experience..... And don't worry-safety is a must.
--I'm not good w/affection...really not a huggy person. Have gotten better as I've gotten older and well I gained friends who do hug.... And honestly-its a good thing...

And to tag at least a couple of people.... I tag Melissa and Apryl....

Oh and Cami--yeah...the modern quilt wrap got set aside for these finished pair of socks,

these pair of socks in the works, (left-actually started the heel flap, right-completely done w/the toe of it's mate done)

a baby hat (left), and an adult hat (right)

Oh and I dyed yarn via Kool-Aid.... (one on the right was used for the stripey socks above)


Picture of the environment I worked at for my last job (that is a NASA satellite in the background)