Heee--Boy do I love climbing cliff sides....Rock Climbing is the best sport/physical activity/outdoor activity ever. Okay to me it is.... I went to Holocomb Pinnacles this weekend and by the end I was stinky, dirty, scraped and bruised, sore, sunburned, and tired but boy was it worth it. Was able to conquer some of the hardest climbing I ever did personally and that is always an awesome feeling. Empowering.
Rest of this post is just some of the awesome pics I took of the boys (one decent one of me as well)

Matt doing the lead climb (the first one up with the rope and getting it to the anchor) on Lizard Rock--just a cool pic. This was a fairly easy route.

James tried and tried but could not get over the roof....He almost had it here. I couldn't even get that far and I really wanted to try getting over the roof part...phooey.

Alex on the same route-he made it over of course...happen to like this shot so including it too.

Alex makes it look so damn easy....He decided to see if he could over this little overhang and as you can tell-he did

Nick at the beginning of a route-our last one of the weekend. As you can tell in the below pic-I made it a bit further then he did....

Yes that is me-hanging onto what we call the 'thank god' hold. This is after some tricky maneuvering and thank goodness you get a hold of a very nice large stable hand hold....This was the hardest climb I was ever able to do--took me a bit to get to the top but I made it....
(and yes there has been some knitting--2nd baby Kimono and 2nd Tendril sock--sock has a heel now)
wow...*sweats looking at your pictures*...when you said rocks you meant really big freaking rocks! i'm in awe *nods*
If you can do that much with the boys when you haven't climbed in awhile, you'll be quite the dynamo if you continue joining them!
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