Now for the kitties--They are all in new homes accept my two. I wasn't planning on keeping two but little Peek a Boo (formerly known as Normal Toes) just was too timid to be adopted and he has become my little 'SnuggleBoo' It's too bad cause he is a very lovely little kitten but alas he is mine to keep.....And of course I still have Felix--much more hyper kitty but thats alright. And

For pics of Tiger well all you need to do is got to D-fly's blog....but here is a pic of Tubble who is turning out to be the brat of the pack (hee hee--thats why he went to Mom....) He also is turning out to be the biggest of the litter--already topped out at 7 lbs. Now lets not forget about pretty kitty mama, Misty--she her self is a pretty funny kitty...attacking the printer, carrying feather toys around the house, playing with her boys and defending her box..... Well that is all for now.
Have a happy Turkey Day!